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Outpost 13 Free Download


Updated: Apr 1, 2020

About This Game Outpost 13 Details:Outpost 13 is an homage to some of my favorite 70's, 80's and 90's science fiction and horror films/media such as Alien, X-Files, Evil Dead and The Thing (to name a few).* It is a point-and-click action-adventure game that takes place at an outpost on the planet Achelous IV. You, the player, plays as a dog named "Fen" who comes into contact with an alien biological agent that bonds the dog/player with an alien life form who calls himself "Tantalus." The player's objective is to leave Achelous and make it to the nearest spaceport by inducing enough fear into the stationed crew members that they abandon their 5-year long mission on Achelous and leave early. At least that's the plan, there may be higher powers at play.You're the Monster: Player's will take on the role of an alien monster strategically killing off crew members while maintaining their cover as "Fen" the crew's pet dog.Stealth, Strategy, and a Fiery Death: Player's will need to form a strategy to separate and alienate crew members by creating distractions, utilizing the ventilation system, and temporarily knocking out the outpost's power. If players are unable to maintain their cover and stealth or is discovered as the monster, the crew will respond with flamethrower's and you will be destroyed by fire. Alien Planet Setting: Outpost 13 takes place on Achelous IV, a life viable planet several times larger than earth. Winters and summers last several years each, and it is currently 13 earth months into winter on Achelous.The character progression system has been scrapped for the current Act 1 build, however it may return at a later date. If Act 1 goes well and everything works out, I'll potentially be making an announcement about a new game mode that will likely feature it. :)*Legal Disclaimer: The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this game production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons, places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Any similarities to other intellectual properties (physical or digital) are completely coincidental, and in no way are associated with said intellectual properties. No person or entity associated with this game received payment or anything of value or entered into any agreement or connection with the depiction of tobacco products.No animals or humans were harmed in the making of this interactive experience. :)Copyright © (2015) (Cantina Games and Entertainment, Inc.). All rights reserved. a09c17d780 Title: Outpost 13Genre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Cantina Games and Entertainment, Inc.Publisher:Cantina Games and Entertainment, Inc.Release Date: 26 Oct, 2015 Outpost 13 Free Download beharbari outpost 13 may. beharbari outpost 13 march 2019. beharbari outpost 13 sept. beharbari outpost 13 august 2018. beharbari outpost 13 july 2018. beharbari outpost 13 april episode 2019. beharbari outpost ep 13. beharbari outpost 13 march 2009. 137 outpost lane callaway va. beharbari outpost 13 january. beharbari outpost 13 oct 2018. beharbari outpost 13 april episode. beharbari outpost 2019 13. outpost 13 board game. outpost 1313 movie. outpost 1313. beharbari outpost episode 13. beharbari outpost 13 mar 2019. beharbari outpost 13 april episode 2018. beharbari outpost 2018 13 june. outpost 1313 tv show. beharbari outpost 13 january 2019 This game was buggy from the start, very prone to needing extreme trial-and-error to progress, and then is an incomplete story on top of it all. I decided to wait to file this review, hoping that the developer would finish the story. They have not, and there hasn't been any movement or communication as to this project's end.This game is dead, learn from our mistakes and get far, far away from this game.. If I was to sum up the experience, probably the best way would be in one word: disappointing.Don't get me wrong, the premise is great, reminiscent of The Thing in more ways than one and packaged in a point and click format. You even get to wander around the base with a day night cycle. Basically the premise is great. Of course its the execution that's the problem.There's no real point for the sandboxy style nature because the game doesn't utilize it in any meaningful way. Yes you can wander from room to room but what does that matter when you need to get an item from one room to solve the puzzle in another, it's like the game is telling us the challenges are self-contained (you get a room cleared message when finishing a puzzle in a location) but at the same time some rooms need to be cleared before others. There's no real point in allowing the player to mess with a later puzzle when you won't yet hand them the item needed to solve it.The linearity of the puzzles is in contrast to what the game appears to be, at first glance it looks like a more sandboxy experience, but as you wander you'll notice that practically nothing changes as time passes until the night where you're limited to spying on sleeping crewmates and trying to discern important puzzle hints from the setup of their personal belongings, so you can figure out how to kill them.The killing itself seems to lack any sort of logic as well, you go through the trouble of timing your actions so you can drug a person when it's already established that you're a monster that can tear a grown man apart just like that and could easily clear the room by brute force. Hell, the intro has you do just that! Yet here you are elaborately solving a puzzle about mixing chemicals just so you can knock out a person, so that you can then transform and tear apart their remaining colleague by brute force. Why you couldn't just kill them both and save yourself the trouble of the puzzle is beyond me. Perhaps even give the player a multitude of ways to clear a room, wouldn't that be more fun to make them want to figure out the sneaky way to do it, rather than force them?But even this is pointless when a gamebreaking bug impedes your progress. I got stuck on a puzzle due to being unable to click a console, I didn't realize it was interactable due to the game refusing to let me click it, thus missed out on the puzzle solution. Only after several attempts at doing the same thing did I randomly notice the caffeteria console can be clicked on while randomly mousing over it the 5th time.There's other bugs too, map showing wrong location occasionally, the main character not being kicked out sometimes when the 'attention' meter depletes and so on. Rooms are annoyingly empty for a point and click game, with very little to examine and interact with and some are even seemingly completely pointless. It's not even a very long game, perhaps I missed something but it seems I reaced the ending in less than 2 hours including getting stuck on multiple puzzles.For what it's worth the game is a great idea, has nicely stylized graphic look and I enjoyed the soundtrack as well. But it fails on poor execution and it's not like the idea itself is worth the money when there's even free games that took this premise and did it better.Not recommended in its current state.. Outpost 13 the only way it can be described as a short but sweet game. the intro begins with a man in the snow and a dog, where after a few seconds the dog turns into a horrible monster, this looks to be a really nice touch to John Capenters "The Thing" with a few minor changes. Instead of playing the heros that escape the horrible nightmare that lives in outpost 13, the player is the monster, with a very clear objective... Kill everyone, the "Evil personality" that follows the player around helps out with giving hints to push the player to the right path of destruction. These hints arn't exactly clear and can turn the game from short and sweet to really long and confusing, the game mechanic that is used is a locked path of what the player will take. Hovering the mouse over all the objects in the rooms that are available give to clues of what needs to be done next, some of these are unclear and can lead the player astray. The timed events are clear of how to proceed but aren't very clear on what order that everything needs to be done in. These events are very forgiving allowing the player to make a number of mistake before having to wait for the time window and starting again. The best way to proceed through this short game is to pay extra attention to what is being said, and the objects\/ Notes in the enviroment and that will explain the best of the plan of what the player needs to do. Outpost 13 is one of those games where once the "Ball" starts rolling, everything falls into place like a giant jigsaw puzzle. Great storyline, great art work and a awesome perspective from the "Evil" side of things.Personally Outpost 13 is a great puzzle game once everything comes together. The game should have been longer personally but I haven't played act 2 yet and look forward to doing so. 8 \/ 10 in my review and thank you all so much for reading.. I\u00b4m not even sure, where to start with this.This game feels like an alpha version with bugs everywhere. It isn\u00b4t even flagged early access.I played like 50 minutes and didn\u00b4t even finish act 1 because I got stuck the second time. Later, i watched a gameplay- video on youtube, only to realize: there is nothing more to this game.It literally ends after act 1.Act 2 is called a "free dlc" coming in winter.This is when i uninstalled the game and asked for a refund.Usually it costs 10\u20ac, but even the 5\u20ac i paid on wintersale are to much for an unfinished game with this little content.. The concept is awesome. Has a long way to go but the developer has been constantly putting out updates and is open to suggestions. I'd recommend this over a ubisoft game anyday.. Half-finished abandonware. The second half of the (frighteningly short) game is a year overdue, and the dev has moved on.Has a game engine and around two puzzles, one of which requires you to wait around doing nothing for ages. If I look into it too much further I won't be able to get my refund.The concept's okay, the execution is mediocre at best. Could use a lot more polish and a lot more development time.. If I was to sum up the experience, probably the best way would be in one word: disappointing.Don't get me wrong, the premise is great, reminiscent of The Thing in more ways than one and packaged in a point and click format. You even get to wander around the base with a day night cycle. Basically the premise is great. Of course its the execution that's the problem.There's no real point for the sandboxy style nature because the game doesn't utilize it in any meaningful way. Yes you can wander from room to room but what does that matter when you need to get an item from one room to solve the puzzle in another, it's like the game is telling us the challenges are self-contained (you get a room cleared message when finishing a puzzle in a location) but at the same time some rooms need to be cleared before others. There's no real point in allowing the player to mess with a later puzzle when you won't yet hand them the item needed to solve it.The linearity of the puzzles is in contrast to what the game appears to be, at first glance it looks like a more sandboxy experience, but as you wander you'll notice that practically nothing changes as time passes until the night where you're limited to spying on sleeping crewmates and trying to discern important puzzle hints from the setup of their personal belongings, so you can figure out how to kill them.The killing itself seems to lack any sort of logic as well, you go through the trouble of timing your actions so you can drug a person when it's already established that you're a monster that can tear a grown man apart just like that and could easily clear the room by brute force. Hell, the intro has you do just that! Yet here you are elaborately solving a puzzle about mixing chemicals just so you can knock out a person, so that you can then transform and tear apart their remaining colleague by brute force. Why you couldn't just kill them both and save yourself the trouble of the puzzle is beyond me. Perhaps even give the player a multitude of ways to clear a room, wouldn't that be more fun to make them want to figure out the sneaky way to do it, rather than force them?But even this is pointless when a gamebreaking bug impedes your progress. I got stuck on a puzzle due to being unable to click a console, I didn't realize it was interactable due to the game refusing to let me click it, thus missed out on the puzzle solution. Only after several attempts at doing the same thing did I randomly notice the caffeteria console can be clicked on while randomly mousing over it the 5th time.There's other bugs too, map showing wrong location occasionally, the main character not being kicked out sometimes when the 'attention' meter depletes and so on. Rooms are annoyingly empty for a point and click game, with very little to examine and interact with and some are even seemingly completely pointless. It's not even a very long game, perhaps I missed something but it seems I reaced the ending in less than 2 hours including getting stuck on multiple puzzles.For what it's worth the game is a great idea, has nicely stylized graphic look and I enjoyed the soundtrack as well. But it fails on poor execution and it's not like the idea itself is worth the money when there's even free games that took this premise and did it better.Not recommended in its current state.. This game was buggy from the start, very prone to needing extreme trial-and-error to progress, and then is an incomplete story on top of it all. I decided to wait to file this review, hoping that the developer would finish the story. They have not, and there hasn't been any movement or communication as to this project's end.This game is dead, learn from our mistakes and get far, far away from this game.


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